Important informations


Electrical devices that prevent imbalances such as rise and fall in the mains voltage and perform voltage regulation are called regulators. Regulators lower or raise the electrical energy with the hardware parts inside.

Electrical devices that prevent imbalances such as rise and fall in the mains voltage and perform voltage regulation are called regulators. Regulators reduce or increase electrical energy with the hardware parts inside.

Today, as technology develops, electrical, electronic and electromechanical devices are developing and becoming widespread. Since the electrical energy required by these devices is an expensive investment, it does not increase at the same rate and voltage fluctuations continue to increase due to insufficient electrical energy.

In many regions, turning on and off the devices at the same time causes voltage fluctuations, as well as overloading at certain hours, the voltage drops very low and prevents the sensitive devices from working completely or causes them to malfunction. Regulators keep the voltage constant and ensure the healthy and safe operation of the devices.

Regulators are divided into two as the main structure. These are;

1. Dynamic (Servo) Regulators
2. Static Regulators

Regulator selection should be made according to the importance and technology of the load. Dynamic (Servo) regulators are more sensitive than static regulators.

1. Dynamic (Servo) Regulators:
It is an automatic voltage regulation system. Servo regulators are produced as single-phase and three-phase.

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